How Much Is Mexican Car Insurance
How Much Is Mexican Car Insurance?
Many people visiting Mexico believe their current auto insurance policies will cover them in Mexico if they were to get into an accident. However, other insurance policies are invalid and you will be considered driving illegally if you do not invest in Mexican car insurance. The good news is that Mexican car insurance is relatively affordable and easy to obtain. If you unfortunately happen to get into an accident in Mexico without proper documentation, you could face severe legal consequences. So, it is best to talk to your insurance provider first to get a good idea about a policy you may want to consider.
The price of how much Mexican car insurance will cost you depends on a few different factors. It is possible that you may want to receive a quote before you leave for Mexico. Obtaining a quote is as easy as going online to insurance providers. This will give you a good baseline of what to expect to pay. The packages that will be available to you will be priced depending on how long you are staying. For example, there will be daily, weekly, and semi-annually priced packages for you to choose from. You will want to keep a close eye on these package deals and be able to run numbers yourself. It is easy to pick a weekly or daily package and end up costing yourself more than investing in a longer plan. With all that aside, Mexican car insurance is reasonably affordable. When you compare Mexican car insurance to American car insurance, they are not too far off from each other. Prices will typically range from a few dollars a day to 50 dollars a day, depending on the list below.
Factors That Will Influence Price
The prices of different packages could fluctuate depending on several different factors regarding yourself and your stay. Most prices will stay around a few dollars to fifty dollars a day, but each plan is individualized.
- Length of stay
- Type of vehicle
- If you are towing anything
- Location in Mexico
- Driving record
What Does It Cover?
A Mexican car insurance policy can cover a few different things, depending on your coverage wants and needs. You will want to thoroughly research what is covered in each package to make the best decision on what you will be needing for your stay. If anything happens outside of that realm, you will be liable for any damages or injuries. You will want to consider what may happen on your stay. The most common instances that occur to tourists are bodily injury, property damage, and theft. So, make sure to consider this what choosing a rate.
Where To Buy Mexican Car Insurance?
You may be thinking that Mexican car insurance is going to be difficult to obtain. But, you would be wrong. The avenues will, however, be a little different depending on if you are driving your own car or are going to be using a rental. The cheapest option? Buy your car insurance beforehand. Mexican car insurance is available at the border, but it will cost you much more than buying it online through a reputable company. If you are using your own car, call your insurance provider so they can assist you. If you are renting, you will want to contact the rental company in regards to insurance. Driving without Mexican auto insurance could cost you more than just a minor inconvenience. You could face serious legal reparations in regards to an accident or injury. Thankfully, car insurance in Mexico is very affordable and insurance companies will help you choose the best plan for you and your stay.